Paper Hearts

Do your kids get upset when their paper hearts do not turn out right… ​​ Squashy? lumpy? Lopsided?  Here is a simple hack for cutting out paper hearts that are PERFECT!

One of the many tricks I learned from my mom was how to use scissors.

Mom Rule #1: Always hold the blade and tip down when holding scissors. That way, when you trip, you stab your leg instead of your eyeball.

Mom Rule #2: Fold the paper in half when cutting a heart shape!

How to Cut out a Paper Heart like an Artist 

All you need to cut a paper heart is Paper, a Pencil, and Scissors. 


  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half.

2. Lightly draw half a heart, with the fold in the center.

3. Cut on the line.

4. Erase any part of the line that’s still on your paper.

Now that you know how to cut out perfect paper hearts, you can use your skills to make the most AMAZING Valentine’s Day cards and more!

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