Let’s Fly a Kite

Flying a kite is something I look forward to doing when it is windy and warm. Writing this page makes me think of the “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” song from Mary Poppins. Anyone can fly a kite! There are a lot of different kinds of kites you can buy; but it is a fun family activity to make your own. 

Kite Making:

Making a kite at home is easy because everyone should have supplies. Not all kites have to be a diamond shape. In fact, the simplest kite can be made from a plastic shopping bag and string or yarn: 

You need only tie the two handles of a plastic grocery bag together with a piece of yarn or string, adjusting the length of the string to the age of the child. For younger children of 2 or 3, cut a three or four foot length. For older children, try a piece six or more feet in length, and consider tying a loop handle at the end of the string.  You can place it on the child’s wrist or allow them to grasp it.  Once assembled, give it to the child and tell them to run!  The kite will fly behind them!

Diamond Shape Kite:

A link for a website for making a diamond shaped kite is included. Necessary supplies, step-by-step directions, along with helpful pictures are included.


How to fly a kite?

“Let’s go Fly a Kite” song 

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